Phishing simulations can reduce your risk by 80%

Phishing is the most common form of social engineering attack. Around 90% of organisations experiencing targeted phishing attacks, and 22% of all breaches involving a phishing element.

  • Reduce phishing risk
  • Measure your training efficacy
  • Avoid ransomware and spear phishing

We run simulated phishing campaigns using one of our high quality templates. Our templates mimic common real-world phishing emails and landing pages including typo-swatted domains. 

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How Our Phishing Simulator Works?

We auto-assign trainings to users who fall for our phishing simulations and send you a detailed reports on which users view, open, and even submit information in our phish tests.!

Simulated Phishing Emails
These templates mirror the most effective phishing tactics employed in real-world attacks. They use customizable attachments, images, HTML and user information, such as the user’s name and email address to test phishing susceptibility.
Custom phishing landing pages
The phishing landing page tests if the target is willing to divulge personal information to a potential attacker. This data is not be stored or transmitted; the only information sent acknowledges that the user had completed the form.
"Malicious" Websites
Each phishing landing page is specific to the attack and adds to the realism of the campaign. These pages can mimic social media logins, file sharing sites, banking, email and other important digital services.
Point-in-time Training
If a user is caught out by a simulated phishing attack, they are automatically taken to attack specific training modules. The tutorial will explain how the user could have spotted that it was a phishing email/web-page.
Specific phishing red flags
If a user successfully navigates the phishing emails they are congratulated at the end of the campaign. This phishing simulation test reinforces positive behaviour. It is important to clarify exactly what tactics the phishing scam was employing.
Measure Behaviour Change
With Cyber Decode learning management system (LMS), employers can assess and track the performance of staff in the campaigns. Our comprehensive solution builds a security aware culture by focusing on achieving meaningful behavior change.

What makes Our Phishing Simulator different?

Simulated Phishing Email Campaigns

Real-time reporting and exportable pdfs per campaign

Consistently updated phishing attack template library

Multi-stage attacks which test the user and “steal” personal information

Accessible across browsers and mobile compatible

Analysis of phishing risk by attack template and attack type

Our Features

Improved email security within your organization

Meet compliance obligations such as ISO27001, GDPR, CERT-IN

Help your security team manage phishing risk for your organization

Interactive landing pages improve the realism and the learning experience

Concise on-the-spot training educates users at the crucial moment

All-in-one phishing simulation and training cybersecurity awareness reports

Track your phishing performance over time to see risk reduction

Automated setup reduces your workload in delivering phishing campaigns




Simulations allow staff to experience the methods hackers use in a safe and constructive way. With monthly phishing campaigns, we usually see on average an 80% reduction in risk over 8 months from a baseline reading!

Build a Cyber Resilient Culture

Cyber Aware provides relevant and regular phishing simulations, to foster a supportive and cautious cyber resilient culture.

Measure Risk Reduction

You can review reports each month showing a detailed breakdown of each campaign and the staff / departments at-risk.

Some Shocking Figures You Don't Know

of small companies go out of business within six months of a cyber attack
Over 90% of breaches are the result of human error. All it takes is one person clicking one wrong link.
of cyber attacks target small business no matter the amount of employees
of small businesses rate their ability to mitigate cyber risks as highly effective

Attacks are only getting more sophisticated. More than two-thirds (68%) of all phishing sites use SSL protection.

Hear From Our Customers

Security Awareness Training FAQs

What is Simulated Phishing Training?

Phishing simulation helps protect your organisation by training your employees to identify, avoid and report suspicious emails. Phishing your employees is a way to teach them about the tactics and techniques cyber criminals use to steal their personal information.

Attackers use phishing as a way to steal sensitive information such as logins, credit card numbers and identities. These attacks can be personalised through social media and deliver malicious payloads of malware, ransomware and spyware.

What is Ethical Phishing Training?

As phishing is a distressing and worrying crime it is important that our simulated phishing is ethical. Rather than being used as a metric by which to punish employees, it needs to be an educational experience. Ethical phishing enables you educate users about the threats they face without causing additional stress or worry on behalf of the employees.

Phishing simulation tests also provides you with insights into potential risks. Understanding your employees’ actions and measuring their progress helps you manage your email security risk.

How to Defend Against Phishing Attacks?

Network security systems, spam filters, email gateways and firewalls all play an important role in protecting an organisation from phishing threats. However, without informed and vigilant users these protections are never going to be a total solution to phishing scams.

Enabling staff to defend against phishing protects your organisation and ensures your technological security investments are worthwhile. It also provides individuals with skills that can be transferred into preventing cyber crime their personal lives.

Reduce phishing risk

A single successful phishing attack can damage your organisation through lost time, revenue and client opinion. By measuring user interaction and educating people you can minimise the risks of clicking on dangerous emails, links and attachments. One of the key benefits of phishing training is encouraging employees to report phishing.

By launching simulated phishing campaigns, you can keep employees up-to-date and vigilant against the latest in phishing threats. With tell-tale malicious elements, you can record which of your people need further information security training.

Some of Our Happy Clients

The simplest pricing to protect your business

CyberDecode is the easiest way to protect your business & those of your clients at a flat rate of ₹99/employee/month only. So what are you waiting for? Book a FREE DEMO with one of our cyber expert to know how we can secure your small business from Cyber Attack.